About Conscious Touch My passion is helping others to experience more in their bodies, feel more pleasure, become more in touch with their bodies, release tension, repressed feelings, trauma and negative beliefs that may be affecting how they experience life.

The last ten years for myself have been about exploring ways to be more present, aware of my body, release old negative beliefs and conditionings, repressed feelings (blockages), which I believe are stored in the body as much as the mind (bodymind).

As I have become more aware of the huge benefits of living more from the body and living in the present moment (instead of stuck in the past or future), I feel inspired to pass this on to others in any way I can.

My journey into coming home to myself started with learning to meditate after struggling to switch my mind off after a busy day, which over time expanded my awareness of my thought patterns, how my  body was feeling and how that affected my outer experiences.

My real journey into embodiment started when I was introduced to Tantra and started attending events and retreats that taught me ways to live more from the body, more from my heart, feel into what was happening inside and learn to accept parts of myself that I disowned, repressed or numbed out, become more comfortable with my sexuality (I have felt a lot of shame around my sexual self) as well as expanding pleasurable experiences, open my heart and work with my life force energy (sexual energy) to enhance other areas of my life.

I undertook a year long training with Martina Hughes of Tantric Blossoming in 2013, which opened me up in a way that still continues to amaze and inspire me and led to me becomming interested in bodywork and  embodied processes.

I then went on to train in other sexuality trainings/ bodywork therapies/ massage trainings. Culminating in starting to offer my own bodywork to clients.

I believe my strengths lie in my caring intuitive gentle nature, empathy and ability to hold space whilst staying fully present.


2013/14. Tantric alchemy training – Martina Hughes.
2014. Certificate in sexological bodywork – Institute of Somatic Sexology, Brisbane.
Sept 2014. Level 1 & 2 Kahuna massage – Mettes institute.
Dec 2014. Level 3 Kahuna massage – Mettes institute.
Nov 2014. Like a pro training –Training around boundaries & consent — Betty Martin, Brisbane.
May 2015. Level 4 Kahuna massage – Mettes institute.
2014/15. Reiki level 1 & 2.
June 2015. Heartworks lomi lomi massage training level 1.